Shaping the future of health tech at FHT
FHT showcased their research and the people behind the programme at their Scientific Advisory Board Review on 15-17 May.
The Future Health Technologies (FHT) programme presented updates on their research in stroke rehabilitation, digital health technologies, early detection of health risks and prevention, and more at their Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) review on 15-17 May.
Principal investigators & researchers received in-depth feedback on the progress of their research over the first two days. This culminated in an interactive science gallery presentation on 16 May, showcasing all current on-going projects at FHT through an array of research posters and hands-on demonstrations of devices and mobile interventions. The gallery provided a platform for FHT researchers to network with a community of experts and enthusiasts in attendance.
FHT is grateful for the opportunity to host Permanent Secretary for National Research and Development and Chairman, MOH Office for Healthcare Transformation (MOHT), Prof. Tan Chorh Chuan and Executive Director, Academic Research, National Research Foundation Singapore, Prof. Subodh Mhaisalkar, around the science gallery to share more about the impact and real-world applications of their research.
Lastly, the programme would also like to thank the Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) members, our collaborators, partners, government agencies and researchers for joining us!