PD, Dr Benedikt HELGASON

Principal Investigator of Early Detection of Health Risks and Prevention
PD, Dr Benedikt Helgason is a senior scientist and a leader of the Bone Pathologies and Treatment group at the Laboratory for Orthopaedic Technology at the Institute for Biomechanics, ETH. He is the principal investigator on several projects that aim to improve screening and preventive treatments for individuals at elevated hip fracture risk.
PD, Dr Helgason is a civil engineer by training with a 5-year background in consulting industry within the field of load bearing structures. He defended his PhD thesis in bone biomechanics at the University of Iceland in 2008 and subsequently joined the research group of Stephen J. Ferguson at the University of Bern in 2009. PD, Dr Helgason joined the Institute for Biomechanics at the ETH-Zurich in 2011. He is a recognised expert in the field to image-based modelling in bone biomechanics. He is Icelandic and has an active collaboration with the PIs on the AGES Reykjavik Study, which is one of the most important cohorts in the world on an aging population in the field of bone biomechanics.