Prof. Rahul MALHOTRA

Principal Investigator of Early Detection of Health Risks and Prevention
Prof Rahul Malhotra is Assistant Professor at the Programme in Health Services and Systems Research and the Head of Research at the Centre for Ageing Research and Education at DukeNUS Medical School, Singapore. A physician and public health researcher, Prof Malhotra’s research focuses on the vulnerability associated with ageing. Within this area, his research agenda is to develop an evidence base that enables understanding, measurement and alleviation of vulnerability, resulting from physical, psychological, social and health service factors, among older adults.
His specific areas of interest are (1) frailty assessment; (2) assessment of health literacy and its outcomes; (3) measurement and utilisation of healthy life expectancy for spatial and temporal health comparisons; and (4) informal and formal caregiving. He leads or co-leads large national longitudinal/cohort studies of older adults in Singapore and their informal caregivers.