Prof. Dr Tobias KOWATSCH

Principal Investigator and Module Head of Mobile Health Interventions
Dr Tobias “Tobi” Kowatsch is Associate Professor for Digital Health Interventions at the external page Institute for Implementation Science in Health Care, University of Zurich and Director at the Sexternal page chool of Medicine, University of St.Gallen. He is also the Scientific Director of the external page Center for Digital Health Interventions, a joint initiative of the external page Institute for Implementation Science in Health Care, University of Zurich, the external page School of Medicine, University of St.Gallen and the Department of Management, Technology and Economics, ETH Zurich, Switzerland. Moreover, Dr Kowatsch serves as Advisor of Emerging Technologies & Data Analytics Core of the external page Center for Technology and Behavioral Health, Dartmouth College, USA.
In close collaboration with his interdisciplinary team and research partners, Tobias designs digital health interventions (“digital pills”) at the intersection of information systems research, computer science and behavioral medicine. He helped initiate and participates in the on-going development of external page MobileCoach an open source platform for ecological momentary assessments, health monitoring and digital health interventions. He is also co-founder of the ETH Zurich and University of St.Gallen spin-off company external page Pathmate Technologies that creates and delivers digital clinical pathways.
Tobias has a PhD in Management from University of St. Gallen, Switzerland, a Master of Science in Business Information Systems from Saarland University, Germany and a Master of Computer Science in Media from Hochschule Furtwangen University, Germany. He published his research in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), Annals of Behavioral Medicine, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology (JCCP), American Journal of Preventive Medicine, Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR), Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT), JMIR mHealth and uHealth, Journal of Asthma & Allergy, Addictive Behaviors, Information Systems Journal (ISJ), and Computers in Human Behavior (CHB).