Prof. Bill TAYLOR

Module Head and Principal Investigator of Early Detection of Health Risks and Prevention
Prof. William R. Taylor was appointed to the position of Professor of Movement Biomechanics within the Department of Health Sciences and Technology at the ETH in 2012. Born in Portsmouth, England in 1972, he achieved his degree in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Bath, England in 1994, where he also completed his Ph.D. in 1999.
His research aims to provide new approaches for quantifying functional outcome in patients, both pre-operatively and after therapy. Through developing medical engineering concepts for the accurate and robust assessment of motion patterns, his goal is to identify musculoskeletal deficits and movement pathologies at an early time point. Using these techniques to evaluate the differences between physiology and pathology, as well as functional status after therapy, his research further aims to open perspectives for targeting therapies towards patients who would gain most benefit, and thereby complement clinical decision making. This research has led to a number of international awards and its impact has also been reflected in over 130 peer-reviewed journal contributions.