Rehabilitation Technology Engineer of Connected Rehabilitation Technology and Assistive Devices

Irina Hungerbühler is a Rehabilitation Technology Engineer in the Connected Rehabilitation Technology and Assistive Devices module of the Future Health Technologies (FHT) programme at the Singapore-ETH Centre (SEC) since September 2023.

Irina studied at ETH Zurich and completed her Master of Science in Health Science and Technology - Medical Technology in July 2023. She developed a profound interest in combining the fundamentals of mechanical systems, control engineering, electronics, and haptics with biology and neuroscience, with a particular focus on Rehabilitation Engineering and Robotics.

During her Master’s, she was involved in a project at the Sensory-Motor Systems lab (SMS lab) at ETH Zürich. This project focused on wearable robotics, where she investigated user perspectives on the usability of a lower-limb exoskeleton and worked on improving speed estimation algorithms using real-life data.

After, as part of her industrial research exchange and MSc Project, she worked as a Research Engineer at Articares Pte. Her key responsibilities included the development and design of control algorithms, along with performance characterization for a new lower-limb rehabilitation robot.

In her current role at FHT, Irina contributes to the design, implementation, and maintenance of rehabilitation robotics technologies. She is also involved in conducting research and managing projects for FHT's research activities at SEC.


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