Dr Yi-Xing LIU

Postdoctoral Researcher of Early Detection of Health Risks and Prevention
Dr Yi-Xing Liu received her PhD in December 2021 from KTH Sweden. Her doctoral thesis is entitled ‘Facilitating Exoskeletons in Daily Uses: Simulations and Predictions in Design and Control’. Her research interests include wearable assistive device developments, wearable sensors, biomechanics, muscle synergies, and algorithm developments. She also worked as a co-supervisor of a doctoral project where they developed soft exoskeletons for people with drop-foot and Human-in-the-loop control algorithms.
Currently, she is a postdoctoral researcher at Singapore-ETH Centre in the Module of Early Detection of Health Risks and Prevention where she aims to understand the personalized features and develop predictive models for falling risk estimation. Her research will also be collaborated with the team in Duke-NUS working on falling risk interventions.
Research interests:
- Wearable sensors
- Digital healthcare
- Health aging
- Robotic exoskeletons
- Biomechanics
- 2023, Best Postdoc Presentation Award in conference of Swedish Society of Biomechanics.
- 2023, Promobilia Stiftelsen Project Grant, Personalized exoskeleton controls for daily living activities.
- 2023, Digital Future Summer Research Internship Program, applied as supervisor2022, Promobilia Stiftelsen Project Grant, Evaluating soft ankle exoskeleton in ecological settings.
- 2022, Life Science Project Grant, Image-based accurate kinematics estimation during high-speed impact human movement analysis.
- 2020, KTH BioMex PhD student Seed Funding.
- P.hD., KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2017-2021;
- Master, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2014-2017;
- Bachelor, HIT Harbin Institute of Technology, 2011-2015.
Social Media:
- LinkedIn: external page Yi-Xing Liu