Shaping the future of health tech at FHT

FHT showcased their research and the people behind the programme at their Scientific Advisory Board Review on 15-17 May.
FHT PhD seminars: Reviewing risk, rehabilitation and recovery

18 Oct | In this round of PhD seminars, four researchers will share ongoing work in assistive technologies and assessment of recovery after stroke, and identifying gait quality for fall prevention.
Rethinking the future of health tech at FHT Open Day

FHT held its first-ever Open Day on 11 July, showcasing solutions that bring high-value care to the community.
FHT Open Day on 11 July

FHT will hold their first-ever Open Day on Tuesday, 11 July, bringing together a community of experts and enthusiasts to jointly shape the future of healthcare.
FHT webinar at Singapore Institute of Technology

14 Jun | FHT will feature their research at an SIT Health and Social Sciences cluster webinar.
Future Health Technologies
Singapore-ETH Centre
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